Day 13-Blog Tour of Muldoon’s Minnesota Darling: a Novella, (Author Interview)

Jan 23-Feb 5, 2024, welcome to the blog tour of my eBook hosted by the publisher of my next three books, Celebrate Lit. Here’s an author interview with Beckie, who has been on Blogger since August 2006.

Beckie’s Q:Was there a special someone, such as a teacher, parent, or other relative, who encouraged you to pursue writing?

Answer: My mama was the biggest encourager for me as a child and as an adult. Her rapt attention bolstered my desire for storytelling, but she first planted the love for books in us. I have so many photos of me reading books. Next was my best friend, telling me I was a writer. She put me in her critique group, and what followed was my writing career.

By The Book to read the entire interview…

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